Company Kisvámház
Meaning of company name “KisVámHáz”:
KIS =LOW = low cost
VÁM =СUSTOMS = full export and import services (including customs clearance)
HÁZ =HOUSE = in one place (house)
Superlative Customs clearance!
What we offer:
*Company Kisvámház BT is an export-import trading company gives a full customs service since 1992, for customers greatest satisfaction.
*Preparing export-import documents fast, accurately and professionally including the complete customs administration procedure.
* Computer processing of Intrastat reports and comments.
* English, German and Russian language skills.
Our main activity covers Budapest and its surroundings.
We work for companies all over Europe.
Tel / Fax: +36 1 4000-865
Mobile phone: +36 30 9503 337